Showing posts with label global lumber market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global lumber market. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2024

Understanding differences in timber qualities around the world

 Timber is a natural resource that has been used for centuries in construction, furniture making, and many other applications. Its popularity stems from its renewable nature, versatility, and the unique qualities it possesses. However, not all timber is created equal. The quality of timber can vary significantly around the world due to factors such as species, climate, and growth conditions. 

In this blog, we will explore the differences in timber qualities and what makes each type unique.

timber marketplace

Differences in Timber Qualities

Timber is valued for its adaptability and inherent beauty and is used extensively in architecture, construction, and other sectors across the globe. This is why it is essential to understand its properties when choosing the appropriate material for a given application. The assessment of lumber is a rigorous process that differs between standards and locations, from appearance grading to strength classifications. Let’s take a look at them in detail!

timber marketplace

Appearance Grading

Appearance grading is one of the main techniques for determining the quality of timber. During this procedure, a number of criteria, including knots, top rupture, waning, insect assault, and more, are visually inspected. The grade of wood is determined by each criterion; a higher grade is attained by having fewer and smaller faults. At the sawmill, appearance grading is usually done to make sure every piece fulfils quality standards.

Appearance grades provide detailed criteria for assessing timber quality. Grades such as G4-0, G4-1, G4-2, G4-3, and G4-4 denote specific quality levels suitable for different applications ranging from interior joinery to packaging. Each grade permits varying degrees of defects, with higher grades accommodating fewer imperfections. For example, Grade G4-0 is characterized by high quality with minimal defects, while Grade G4-4 allows for more extensive imperfections suitable for low-quality formwork and packaging.

timber marketplace

Grading of Sawn Timber

The grading of sawn timber follows established regulations and standards, such as the Nordic Timber Grading Rules and the European standard SS-EN 1611-1. Sawn timber is sorted into different classes ranging from I to VII, each representing varying quality levels. For instance, Class U/S encompasses unspecified proportions of sub-classes OS I to OS IV, while Classes V to VII have distinct quality requirements. The grading process involves visual inspection of faces and edges or solely on faces, resulting in designations like G4 and G2, respectively.

timber marketplace

Construction Timber Strength Classes

In addition to appearance grading, timber is classified into strength classes ranging from C14 to C35, based on its structural capabilities. Strength classes dictate the suitability of timber for load-bearing structures and other applications. For instance, C14 is suitable for wall studs with less severe deformation requirements, while C30 and C35 offer extra high strength for specialized applications. Each strength class has specific criteria regarding knot size, deformation tolerance, and permissible defects, ensuring optimal performance in various construction scenarios.

timber marketplace

Surface Structures

Timber's functional qualities and aesthetic appeal are greatly enhanced by the way its surface is treated. Depending on the sawing method, original sawn wood has unique surface patterns, but fine-sawn or dry-sawn wood has a smoother appearance and is appropriate for external cladding. Planed surfaces offer structural timbers a flat, smooth finish, but brushing and grooving processes give the wood surface more depth and texture. Surface treatment choices accommodate a range of tastes and technical specifications in building and design.

timber marketplace


Making wise decisions in building, design, and other industries requires an understanding of timber properties. Each factor, including surface treatments, strength classes, and appearance grades, adds to the overall quality and suitability of wood for particular uses. Stakeholders can ensure the effective use of timber resources while accomplishing their project goals by following set rules and procedures.

timber marketplace

Timber Exchange's timber inspection service is your gateway to ensuring the highest quality and standards for your timber purchases. With a thorough on-site assessment of thickness, width, moisture content, and overall quality at your preferred location. Our expert inspectors provide you with a detailed report within 48 hours, thus, guaranteeing peace of mind and confidence in your timber investments. 

For more information regarding this, submit an inquiry.

Friday, July 12, 2024

IFA Survey Reports Steady Timber Prices in Ireland for Q2 2024

 As the second quarter of 2024 draws to a close, the Irish timber market presents a remarkable record of consistency. According to a recent survey conducted by the Irish Farmers' Association (IFA), farmers have received stable prices for all timber products throughout this period. 

In this blog, we will explore the significance of this stability, explaining the dynamics of the timber trade and its impact on the agricultural community. We'll also examine the insights provided by the IFA survey and discuss what this steadiness means for the future of the Irish timber industry

IFA Survey Reports

Irish Timber Market's Stability from April to June 2024

From April to June 2024, the Irish timber market remained stable. Prices for various timber products maintained a steady course, similar to the EU and other global timber markets, which experienced no significant timber price fluctuations. The pricing data presented in the IFA Farm Forestry Timber Market report is a compilation of figures from forestry companies, forest owners, and sawmills, providing a comprehensive overview. 

Jason Fleming, the chair of IFA farm forestry, outlined the findings of the IFA timber price survey spanning from April to June 2024, which indicated a consistent pricing trend across all timber products. 'Timber prices have been stable in the first half of 2024 with prices signalling a steady market demand,”' commented Fleming. He further noted that the Irish timber market's stability aligns with trends for the broader European Union and global markets. Fleming emphasised the importance of regional price variations, advising farmers to survey the market thoroughly to maximise their returns.

Timber Price Trends

The IFA Farm Forestry Timber Market Report provides a detailed analysis of roadside prices for Sitka spruce timber, reflecting the current market valuation:

  • Pulpwood: €36-€40 per tonne

  • Stakewood: €42-€52 per tonne

  • Palletwood: €48-€66 per tonne, varying with length

  • Sawlogs: €88-€100 per tonne

Determinants of Timber Pricing

The variability in timber prices can be attributed to several key factors:

  • Volume of Sale: Larger sales volumes allow for fixed harvesting costs to be distributed over more units, thus allowing buyers to offer a higher price per tonne.

  • Proximity to Market: The closer a forest is to a sawmill, the lower the transportation costs will be. In this way, a forest owner can earn more money.

  • Site Accessibility: Better accessibility reduces logistical challenges and costs associated with a plantation's sale, which is critical to its selling price.

  • Market Dynamics: Prices can also be influenced by market demand. In times when inventory levels for certain timber products are low, buyers may be willing to pay a premium to maintain mill operations.

Survey Reports
Harvesting and Forwarding Costs per Tonne

The global timber industry relies heavily on forestry contracting for operational execution, financial planning, and asset protection. On average, the costs for harvesting and forwarding per tonne are as follows: the first thinning is priced between €20 and €22, the second thinning ranges from €22 to €24, and the third thinning is set at €20. Clearfell operations cost between €14 and €16, while haulage is at €12. 

Depending on the specific site conditions, these figures can vary. 


For forest owners, timber sales and harvesting information are key to securing a lucrative timber deal. In this context, it is necessary to understand timber price trends, which is why the Timber Exchange Market Data Hub is so crucial.

The Market Data Hub is a comprehensive digital global timber market tracker. It provides extensive information that transcends basic timber market data. It has detailed news updates and educational webinars. Accessible via a unified dashboard, this platform enables users to monitor over 200+ market indicators. This feature facilitates the tracking of various forestry operations, including logging activities, production metrics, stock levels, and export/import figures, as well as consumption trends and pricing in over 25 significant markets worldwide.

If you want to better understand the Market Data Hub and its functionality, schedule a demo from here.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Timber Concessions Cause 76% of Malaysia’s Deforestation

 Malaysia's natural forests, spanning millions of hectares, are under severe threat from expansive timber and palm oil concessions from the Government. This alarming situation could lead to a significant reduction of 16% in forest areas, jeopardizing Malaysia's commitment made at COP26 to maintain half of its land as forest and tree cover.


Environmental watchdog Rimbawatch has raised concerns over the lack of transparency in Malaysia's forestry and land use data, highlighting the growing risk to the country's rich ecosystems. The area of forests in danger has escalated from 2.3 million hectares in 2023 to a staggering 3.2 million hectares in the current year.

The Leading Threat to Malaysia’s Forestry Industry

Timber plantations are the primary culprits, responsible for more than three-quarters of the threats to forests. These plantations are often situated within untouched forests and frequently intersect with palm oil concessions. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) definition of deforestation, setting aside 2.3 million hectares for timber production could slash forest cover to a mere 47.35%, falling short of the COP26 agreement of 50%.

global lumber market

The forestry area at risk of 3.2 million hectares is equivalent to the entire area of Pahang, Malaysia's largest state. Interestingly, Pahang, along with states like Sarawak, Sabah, and Kelantan also face significant risks of concession overlaps with natural forests. Notably, Sarawak is home to 68.2% of timber plantations within intact forests, a figure that dwarfs Sabah's 16.1%, making monoculture timber plantations the most significant hazard.

The environmental impact of this is profound, as the expected loss of 2.4 million hectares of timber plantations could release approximately 368 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

Forestry Industry


To know more about the latest updates on the situation, keeping track of global timber market news is your best option. Keeping up with the most recent advancements in the global lumber market is not only advantageous but also necessary. 

Market Data Hub is a digital and comprehensive global timber market tracker that provides you with the latest and most reliable data, news, webinars, and insights on the timber industry. From one dashboard and with 150+ market indicators you can track timber market dynamics of logging, production, inventory, export/import, consumption, and prices in 25+ key markets around the world. 

If you're looking for a detailed conversation on how to use the Market Data Hub and its features, please click this link to schedule a demo session.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Exploring Emerging Trends in the Global Lumber Industry

 From plants to planks, the lumber industry shapes the world around us. Now, with the ever-changing global landscape, this industry finds itself at the crossroads of new and exciting developments. From digitizing the entire processes to a growing consciousness towards sustainable practices, the industry is on the cusp of a transformative era.

Global Lumber Industry

To shed light on these dynamics, O'Kelly Acumen and Timber Exchange have prepared a detailed study report exploring the emerging trends that are reshaping the global lumber industry today. Considering the latest changes in softwood lumber markets worldwide, this report features comprehensive historical data from 2000 to 2022, forecasts from 2023 to 2025, a snapshot of where we stand in 2023, and four regional deep dives - the United States, China, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa.

In this blog, we peel back the bark and delve into the dynamic world of the lumber industry, where innovation, sustainability, and a glimpse of what lies ahead await us.

Lumber Industry

Historical Analysis of the Lumber Industry (2000-2022)

The historical performance of the global lumber industry from 2000 to 2021 has been marked by significant price fluctuations, production levels, and notable events that have shaped the industry's trajectory.

2000-2002 were challenging years for the lumber industry due to the “dot-com” bust and a weak economy. From 2003 to 2006, especially in the United States, the lumber industry experienced a housing boom. The housing bubble burst in the late 2000s, triggering a severe downturn in the lumber industry from 2007-2009. Following the financial crisis, the lumber industry embarked on a slow recovery phase during 2010-2016. 

Within 2017-2019, the global lumber market experienced a brief price spike, driven by increased demand from both domestic and international markets. The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to the lumber industry in 2020-2022. This phase highlighted the industry's vulnerability to external shocks and showcased the interplay between supply, demand, and market dynamics.

supply chain

Current Market Trends of the Global Lumber Industry (2023)

Currently, several trends are shaping the global lumber industry. The imposition of trade restrictions on Russian lumber after the Ukraine invasion resulted in a reduced availability of lumber from Russia in international markets. Higher interest rates are affecting the cost of borrowing for construction and renovation projects, negatively impacting lumber demand.

Meanwhile, the industry is grappling with lower supply from key regions such as Western Canada and Central Europe, leading to tighter market conditions and potential price increases. These trends highlight the complex tangle between trade dynamics, economic factors, and supply chain challenges. This underscores the need for industry stakeholders to navigate these developments effectively.

Global Lumber Market
The Global Lumber Market Future Outlook (2023-2025 and Beyond):

Insights into the future of the lumber industry can be learnt from the following points:

      Actual / Near-Term Future Outlook (-2025):

In 2023-25, we expect weaker markets due to lower demand, outweighing any reductions in lumber supply.

On the supply side, trade restrictions have ended Russian lumber and log exports to several countries, including Europe and Japan. There will be a decline in harvest and lumber export from Canada's British Columbia region, as well as a decrease in supply from Central Europe following the bark beetle infestations. New Zealand’s exports are impaired by recent extensive flooding. The US South is the only region expected to witness strong growth in lumber capacity.

Demand is expected to decline in 2023, and in many regions remain depressed until 2025. China’s economy and lumber demand is anticipated to recover as its economy opens up post-COVID. The US and EU are likely to see lower demand due to higher interest rates aimed at combating inflation, leading to a decline in construction activity and lower GDP growth. Likewise, the MENA region may witness lower demand due to currency devaluation and debt concerns.

MENA region

      Potential / Long-Term Future Outlook (2026-):

Beyond 2025, the outlook for lumber markets is more speculative. It is clear however that the lumber industry will face an increased frequency of climate-related forest damage, such as insect infestations and wildfires. We expect continued restrictions on the export from Canada and sustainability policy likely restricting supply in parts of Europe. On the flip side, there could be a relaxation of Russian trade restrictions, potentially increasing the availability of Russian lumber in international markets.

Demand is expected to recover after the contraction in 2023-25 in the US and EU as interest rates normalize. Furthermore, there could be an increased demand for "green construction," promoting the use of lumber in sustainable building practices. The growth of the middle class and young demographics in emerging markets may also contribute to increased demand for lumber. On the other hand, we expect demand growth in China to be lower than historically, as its economy matures and shifts towards less infrastructure development and more services.

Global Lumber Market report

In Summation:

The global softwood lumber market is ever-changing and now is no exception, with weaker markets forecast in most regions in 2023-25. To understand these dynamics, and best adapt, comprehensive insights are critical. This is where the Global Lumber Market report study becomes invaluable.

The report is a collaborative effort between two organisations with deep expertise in softwood lumber markets: O'Kelly Acumen, directed by Mr Glen O'Kelly, and Timber Exchange, led by CEO & Founder Mr Amir Rashad. With over 20 years of experience in forestry operations, market analytics, and business consulting for top management globally, the authors possess extensive expertise in the field.

Get a well-rounded analysis of the global lumber market across the top four regions and make well-informed trade decisions with this report - Get it now.

Hidden Opportunities with Inventory Insights from National, Regional, and Global Timber Markets

  The global timber industry is a cornerstone of infrastructure, manufacturing, and trade. Yet, behind its visible contributions lies an in...